Time and time again we hear the same old rumours 
Conflict doing this, Conflict doing that 
Have you heard the one about Conflicts pacifism? 
The message is swing on a baseball bat 
Have you heard the one about the anarchist bust fund? 
Really it goes to Conflicts beer fund 
Buys Hoddy’s smack, Colin meat pies 
Did you know Mortarhate's really EMI? 
Time and time again we hear the same old rumours 
Conflict doing this, conflict doing that 
I saw, I heard, guess what they done? 
Got the punters to riot down in Brixton 
They say they will bring the nation to its knees 
But where were they when it went off in Leeds? 
Is it true Colin bought his girlfriend a horse? 
Owns a block of flats? Does a science course? 
Heard about how they rip off bands? 
A fiver expenses for touring the land 
Said the money was going to ALF 
Gave a carrot to the animals and pocketed the rest 
Eight hundred gigs in just eight years 
Said it caused hard work, blood and tears 
They say our movement is been destroyed 
It’s just another Conflict ploy! 
Time and time again we hear the same old rumours 
Conflict doing this, conflict doing that 
"The King’s of Punk", are they so sincere? 
Their chauvinist stance makes the answer clear 
We are in it for the drugs, birds and booze 
There ain't a dirty trick we wouldn’t use 

Well drop it, forget it, because you got it fucking wrong 

And while I'm about it, should I sing it? Should I shout it? 
Standing on the world’s stage, the emotion the outrage 
A target in the firing line for a slagging of a new age 
And just as we attempted to spark a little hope 
Trigger fingers started wagging, "you’re just a fading joke" 
You never wanted leaders, but you treated us as such 
And then when we said "no more of this", who kicked away your crutch? 
You accused us of hypocrisy and ripping people off 
Who co-arranged Stop the City? Who told it was not enough? 
Who’s been nicked for animal raids, hunt sabbing, speaking out (so what)? 
Oh yeah while I’m about it, should I scream or should I shout it? 
All criticisms that you made, the song remains the same 
The gathering down in Brixton, who was it who took the blame? 
Blamed for causing riots, blamed for causing violence 
Blamed by you for being born, then blamed for being silent 

Drop it, forget it, you got it fucking wrong